Friday, December 18, 2009

Join the truly rich club!

You have to have the proper mind set....

It's been taking me so long for this journey....

I read and read and read kiyosaki, gamboa, sanchez, etc....

I went to all banks asking for foreclosed properties list....

I checked all banks' websites....

I called all of them.......

I was able to find a ten-door apartment, yupee!!!...but someone bought it before me....

I do not have enough money to invest.....but I don't mind

I attend every seminar I hear about financial literacy.....

I can kneel down to people who can mentor me,,,, but it seems they wont....but i'ts okay....maybe they are not yet seeing in me what they want to see...i will learn, learn, and learn....

I will just go on learning, doing.......


It will rain....

Monday, November 30, 2009

Im into it again!


Blessing in disguise!

I always prayed to God to earn from home because of my, little by little, He is showing me how BIG HE is!

Opportunities are opening up for me in real estate and other marketing endeavors! GREAT!

And Im back on my blogging again. Rested for a while, but I am doing it once again! Relearning selling online, too!

And I'm done with the first series on a children's book I am writing. I wanted so much to write, even when I was still in high school. I always say to myself that when I have my own computer, I will write novels and books. I finished my Masterate studies and now am finally writing. LOL!

God is good!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lesson 1: Check out the market for an Event

Check out the need of the market. Or check out whats' the latest. How about the needs of the community? (ex. everyone loved birthday parties, so go and conceptualize different birthday parties from children to grandmas; who is the most popular band today, how about a concert that features this band?; there is a school for HRM near you, go and talk to the school director, they might be planning to have a hotel tour for their students. You might get the project by organizing the tour)


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Event Planning

One of my bread n butter is to plan, create, coordinate, and manage an event.

Some say it is there a work that is really easy?

First of all, why do i love about events?

1. I meet new interesting people. I meet celebrities (if they are involved in the event). I create more network of people. (who I will learn later can help me and vice versa in some other ventures)

2. I love pioneering things. I love coordinating and managing events that people will enjoy and learn from.

3. I get to new places. I love to travel.

4. I learn new recipes from the events menu. Yummy!

5. I earn! :)

If you are interested with the same things as above....then, you can go on to events planning. HOW? .... next post.... :)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Reunion on the net with Stock Market opportunity

This is simply amazing! I had a chat with an old-time friend during my elementary days. While reminiscing about the past and updating each other, she told me she just stay home. She said she earns through the stock market. Alas! A mentor again for this financial avenue. She told me she was teaching her kids because she wants them to learn the craft while still young, but it seemed they are not interested. I told her I am very interested, and that I was really looking for someone who can help me get started with the stock market. I politely asked her if she can teach me. And she said YES! GREAT!!! Thank God! For a start, she told me to check out I did right away and found teh site to be very helpful. Although there were things I cannot comprehend yet, she was willing to help me understand. More on this on the next post....For now, check the above cited site. God bless us all!!! :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

My one-on-one with Jomar

I went to SM Megamall where I was supposed to meet with Jomar. He will be giving me a one-on-one coaching on how to earn through blogging. I arrived an hour earlier than our agreed time. I was too excited, you know! So I ate first, anyways, it past lunch time already but i had not eaten anything yet. I came from Bataan and it was a 3 hours travel to Manila.He came at exactly 2:00PM. We proceeded right away with the coaching. He was very enthusiastic and passionate with what he was telling me. I was overwhelmed by the things he was sharing. On my next post, I will, at last share to you the knowledge he shared with me. As they say, pass it forward!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rich Dad, Poor Dad Adventure of the Blogger Filipina Nurse

The Rich Dad, Poor Dad Inspiring wake-up call of the Blogger Filipina Nurse

I have this classmate from preschool to Grade 3. I transferred when I was in Grade 4. We sometimes see each other, but I can say we are not really friends or "barkada"(gang). But we do smile at each other or exchange short greeting when we come across each others' paths. One time, I really can't remember when anymore, but maybe a year or two ago, we saw each other on the elementary school we attended. Her mother is a teacher there. We shared some stories like we were real close friends. Well, I guess that's what age gives to people, we mature even with our dealing with other people, we are more friendly and more open to the possibility of a good friendship with them. Anyways, we talked about our daily lives, including our families and jobs and some possible businesses we can venture into. She asked me casually if I have read the book by Robert Kiyosaki, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I said no although I have already heard about it. Some more stories and we separated ways. After a week or two, my sister-in-law who is the secretary in that elementary school told me that this friend of mine's mother was looking for me. She said that my friend sent me a package. I got the package and it was the book, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I devoured it. ( I always do devour books and magazines, even labels, billboards, and anything I can read ;) ). I was so inspired. I prayed for the system in the book to come true to my life.

Blogger Filipina Nurse Earning Stories


I first heard of earning via the internet on 2006. On 2007, I attended a seminar by Bo Sanchez and tried to learn everything I can regarding different financial avenues without compromising your spiritual beliefs. It was helpful and very informative. The same year, I bought a .com then for a feeding program I launched for poor kids in one of the barangays (community) we adopted for a feeding program. The .com did not earn anything to sustain the program, until we run out of funds to continue the feeding program. I also used my internet connection just for emails and bought another desktop and runa two-unit computer shop in my apartment. I still have the desire in my heart to learn legally and truthfully in the internet. Bo Sanchez advertised in one of is websites about this seminar where you can earn on the internet with Jomar Hilario as the speaker. I was not able to attend it because I don't have the money to pay for it. Fast forward to 2009, I saw this link to one of the free emails I get from Bo regarding registering to Jomar's site and getting 90 days free tutorial on earning on the internet. I registered. I got the daily (or almost) daily tutorials. I got inspired again to learn this system. I even emailed Jomar a personal email asking him if he could give a seminar in Bataan on which he agreed. He said that maybe people wont come really since he was not as popular as Bo. To some reasons, I was not able to pust through with the how to become rich seminar. Until one day, I received an email from Jomar offering a free internet seminar in the condition that I will have to organize it with not less than 20 persons. I replied to him asap. I took the challenge, anyway I am an event coordinator and I really have the spirit in me to bring such seminars to my province. More than 60 people attended it! Great! One of my nursing students who attended it earned $12 ten days after the seminar when he applied what Jomar taught us. It was a great feeling! Because one of my missions to help these teeners were realized. By the way, although the seminar was for free, that is, Jomar did not formally asked for a TF, I collected money enough for the food we need to purchase so we can use the venue, and to give to Jomar as his transportation allowance and token. He deserved a token for his terrific seminar! By the way, before the said seminar, Jomar taught me one-on-one about the things he will teach in the seminar so I can be familiarized with it. We met in Megamall and it was a very fruitful meeting for me. I told him about the quotation I read, I think from Larry Gamboa, that says "When the student is ready, the teacher will come!"...I did not really prosper from the first time I attended the seminar of Bo because that was my problem, I cannot find mentors, or I mean I did not know anybody whom I can trust and whom I cana sk to teach me. But here, voila! is Jomar, a fantastic internet guru who is helping me. I can never thank him enough. I thank God so much for sending him to help me.